Called upon when change initiatives haven’t materialised or when there is a recalibration in leadership and direction, the unassuming radicals company-wide initiatives typically run as 1-3 day events.
Transformational and highly pragmatic, these events dive deep into the heart of the organisation with an eye on powering up connection and igniting the liberating change that occurs when space is created and all voices are heard; where individuals feel radically called to contribute and collectively fuelled to act. By its very nature, these events shine a light on individual and collective leadership and the culture that is beginning to re-form and shape, with a variety of supporting pre- and post-activities often being vitally required too.
“Tash is the best sparring partner you could ever wish to meet and such an inspiration. Unconditionally. ”
“There are many change initiatives out there but what Tash does is so very different. She inspires hope and energy. It is subtle and therefore powerful. ”
“What was a struggle is now so simple.”
“Tash is entirely comfortable being uncomfortable, or so it appears that way. She opens the door for the inner work that needs to happen for the outer to unfold. ”
“I have been here 30 years and have been waiting a long time for you to come.”